Yesterday I dropped off my employment application at two stores. One being Home Goods and the other T.J. Max. What an interesting experience.
The store manager at Home Goods was professional and explained the hours, what was expected of me, reviewed the application, thanked me for coming in and informed me that the hiring manager would be in contact with me for an interview.
The second place, T.J. Max, the manager was not pleased. She reviewed my application and stated that I had a great deal of people experience, but no retail. Her attitude was markedly different and frankly, I don't expect to receive a phone call from her hiring manager. The manager's final words were, retail is a busy environment. I informed her that I had no problem with this concept.
What was troubling, she had no clue about my work history, although I listed what I had done. Her assumption about me were wrong. As a property manager you are on call 24/7 and invariable things go wrong weekends and late night in addition, it is never just one thing but several maintenance problems or people issue at once.
Which brings me back to a book called "Up the Organization," written by Robert C. Townsend and Warren Bennis. The book is still relevant minus a few needed updates.
One thing I learned being a manager, we hire people that reflect our work ethics. A sentiment that was brought home again being interviewed by the local T.J. Max store manager.