Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Time for Gun Control is Now!

When will America have gun control laws to protect its citizens?

The recent killings and wounding of innocent people in Aurora, Colorado begs the questions, why would a sane person need a assault rifle, a glock and a rifle?

Please do not inundate me with the constitutional to bear arms which is the same constitution that gives me the alienable right to pursue life and liberty.  Well, the NRA made the wishes of a few tantamount to the wishes of the majority.  I also blame our spineless congress and senate to stand up to the NRA.

Somewhere along the line, the pursuit of power  became the goal of our congress and senate.  Shame on them for their lack of moral fiber and back bone.

The blame for the killings is on the hapless individual whose synopses misfired, on the NRA for stymieing proper gun control laws and our representatives, congress and senate for being such overt cowards.

Don't tell me, criminals kill guns, not guns.  Someone has to pull the trigger and firing a gun is so very impersonal.

Once and for all, let us address the issue and not mourn for a few days, then shove the whole matter of gun control under the carpet  until the next time the senseless killings occur.  For as sure as the sun rises each day and night descends upon the land, this kind of insanity will happen again and again.

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