Friday, March 30, 2012

Senior Car Wash

Retired, Living, Learning?  I really don't know under which title this post should be.  I do believe once we turn sixty-six, a dormant senior gene awakens, kicks in, and from now on governs many of the things we do.  Case in point.
Due to the persistent water shortage in South Florida and the expensive water bills, the condominium board of directors voted to abolish the car washing stations located through out the development.  Also, when it rains in South Florida, some of the rains can be very heavy.  Can you see where I am going?
Two days ago we had one of these very heavy downpours that lasted about fifteen minutes.  After the rain had ended, I looked at my car, the poor thing was drenched.  I grabbed a few rags and promptly went outside to wipe and dry the car.  My neighbor came out of his apartment, smiling.   "I see you are doing a senior car wash."  I was a bit surprised by this statement and asked him to explain it in more detail.
Simply put, he had lived for many years in St. Peterburg, Florida, a city well known for its senior population.  When ever the local weather station told its listener that rain was forecast for the day, the elderly people, en mass, would drive their cars out of the garage for the rain to wash the vehicle which afterwards the seniors would dry and polish.  The reason behind this behavior, saving on the water bill.
Needless to say,  smiling and shaking my head, I retorted, "I am a senior."   And I proceeded to finish drying and polishing the car. 

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