Summer is upon us and with it the customary bottom of the barrel reality shows. So let's be honest. Would a TV producer really let a contestant get hurt? I don't think so. Even though the participant most likely will have to sign a release and all kinds of stipulation, however we have become a litigious society and as every American knows, we have the inalienable right to sue, whether is makes sense or not.
The drivel dished up is bad and will rot your brain. What ever happened to a well written show, may it be comedy, drama or whatever rings your bell. There are many gifted and talented writers, actors, musician and countless behind the scene artist that make a show happen. Yet we continue to indulge people who have no discernible talent in any artistic field other than self promotion.
Let's grow up and don't live vicariously through other people by watching them debase or make fools of themselves. Let's stop being voyeuristic. Once the interest in these type of shows wanes, we will get scripted shows once more.
I am not a censor or will I tell you what you should like, just think about what happens to you, your children or your life watching such gems as "My Redneck Vacation or Life with the Kardashians."
In the interest of fairness I must confess that my guilty pleasure is: Dancing with the Stars.
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