Monday, March 4, 2013

Unions and other Professional Associations

In todays' evening news we learned how a policeman interrogated a suspect by making the man stand in a bathtub with the water running and holding a taser gun during the questioning of the suspect.  A complaint was filed against the policeman and to no ones surprise, the State Attorney found nothing wrong and as usual the entire episode was whitewashed.
Let me digress.  I grew up in Germany and everything is unionized.  When I came to this country I was pro Union, etc. etc.  However in the last fifty some odd years I have heard on the news, read in the paper and watched attorneys, doctors, policemen, teachers and other numerous professional people being absolved of their crimes.
The Unions and Professional associations wonder why the public at large does not like them and hold them in low esteem.  The reason is basically fundamental, their failure CLEAN UP THEIR HOUSE.
Don't tell John Q. Public how difficult the job is, how dangerous the job is, how much the doctors, teacher, attorneys went in debt because we all know this.  But we also know, policemen don't follow the law that they are chartered to up hold, ie three hour lunches, speeding and stealing evidence, teachers don't teach because it is too much work, doctors want to make all of their money right away instead of waiting just a bit longer.
Once, we the people see that you, the associations police your members justly and with integrity, you will regain our trust and our support again.  Until this happens, this blogger whose grandfather on the maternal and paternal side help start union will vote against them like so many other people.  

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