The biggest problem in having a blog is what to name it. At the latest count, I changed the title fifteen times because it never felt right. Why? Well, life changes you, no matter how young or old you are and I belong to the category of old. This time, I hope, it will stay the same for awhile.
I have been retired for almost two years and due to economic circumstances and just like everyone else, I discovered to my dismay I needed to return to work, not full-time, just part-time. Aah, what a revelation! Under no circumstance did I want to return to my previous career, although well paying, I could not fathom this life style any more. The title "Daily Issues" arrived from my adventures in trying to find a part-time job along with all the other issues life has a habit to trowing at you.
Suffice to say, I am still un-employed and tomorrow, being Sunday, I shall delve into the exploits of trying to find a part-time job.
Have a nice Saturday.
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