Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Politics of Sequester

I could just scream. I have been watching the news channels and listen to the columnists and pundits.
The conclusion, I can write the responses to the Sequester based on whom they represent, irrespectively if they are from the far left, the extreme right, or the tea party. It is a joke and frankly, we the American people deserve this mess 100%.
We the people get the government we deserve. Remember, we voted the self-serving politicians into office, we bought lock, stock and barrel the drivel they fed John Q. Public.  We did not bother to examine their motives and their money supporters.
Do I sound angry, YES.
My political views are based on the individual subject. Briefly, I favor the death penalty and a woman's right for an abortion, Religion does not belong in the classroom and illegal immigrants should be returned home.  If this sounds harsh, think of the Crusades and the jihads and I was a legal immigrant to this country. 
 What's the answer, get involved, write to your representative, express your view, and let them know what you think. Use Facebook, twitter and all the social media available to you. If you don't have access, drop a letter. Your representative dearly wants to keep his/her job and the related perks, therefore if they receive feedback from their constituent, trust me, they will listen.
I listen, examine the issue and then respond, but then thinking, I guess is not fashionable anymore.

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